Monday, May 16, 2011

Entry One: Who Am I?

How would I define who I am in a symbol?
While considering what symbol portrays who I am, I initially wasn't sure if I wanted to post something religious but when I thought about it I realized this is who I truly am.  I decided to post this picture of the Gila Valley LDS Temple because of its multiple elements of symbolism.

First of all, my religion is who I am and one major part of my religion is the emphasis on the family.   My family is everything to me and the temple represents that perfectly.  The temple also represents attributes I hope to one day master: peace, love, humility, and more.  It serves as a personal reminder to do a little better in all areas of life and to remember what matters most.  Secondly, the snow-capped peaks of Mt. Graham and the incredible sunsets bring me back home.  Where I grew up has carved who I have become.

How would someone else define me?
It's hard to say how others would describe me since I am so many different things.  In addition to being a wife and mother, I am a full-time student.  I decided to put this golden 'A' because everyone who knows me knows I am determined to succeed in school.  There is a bit of "gold" personality that has shown through as I strive to do as well as I am capable to achieve my goal of graduating with honors. My need to receive A's isn't well understood by many people around me (i.e. my husband) who urges me to just get the job done with little consideration of the quality.  By now, he knows very well that I try to take my time on school work to do it well.  I used a script font because I don't have straight edges.  I'm unique, versatile, and like to have fun.  My husband appreciates that side a little more.

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