Thursday, May 19, 2011

Entry Five: Office Signs Redesigned

 Men & Women's Restrooms

Fire Extinguisher
Janitor's Closet
Executive Washroom
Parking Garage


I chose to identify the men and women's restrooms with fashionable clothing and stereotypical gender-assigned colors of blue and pink.  I wouldn't mind seeing a whimsical, pink gown design in place of the stick-figure form any day. The fire extinguisher and the janitor's closet are directly correlated with what they represent.  I used certain colors based on how I associate the items.  he color yellow for the janitor's closet because they are how I associate the i

    [After creating your new signs, write a few paragraphs about the symbols you’ve created. Also, discuss each symbol using design terminology. Consider the use of design principles, hierarchy of information, and color choices.]

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